
Showing posts from December, 2023

太平山探秘:Abang Travel带领游客初次雪景体验,搭乘蹦蹦列车(并意外接受TVBS电视台采访),漫步茂興古道

  在Abang Travel,我们追求的是带给旅客难忘的旅程。我们最近探访宜兰的太平山,为游客带来了非同寻常的体验:初次雪景、意外被TVBS电视台采访,以及穿越茂興古道的灵魂之旅。 初次雪景体验: 带领一群热情洋溢的游客来到太平山,正值当地的第一场雪。目睹雪花飘舞,将周围的景色变成了冬季仙境,每个人都充满着敬畏和孩童般的欢乐。游客们脸上洋溢的喜悦仿佛映照着我们周围的绝美景色,创造了一段终身难忘的回忆。 蹦蹦车之旅和TVBS电视台采访:(请看以上视频) 在我们乘坐著名的蹦蹦列车时,探险的经历出乎意料地与TVBS电视台相遇!在风景如画的环境下,我们的团队被采访,分享了我们在太平山初次雪景下的体验。这场意外的电视采访给我们的旅程增添了额外的刺激,让这段经历更加难忘。 茂興古道: 经历了激动人心的电视采访后,我们沿着茂興古道继续探索。这条风景如画的小径带领我们穿越古老的柏树林、茂密的森林和充满历史故事的宁静景观。小径的宁静,加上其历史意义,让我们深刻地感受到与自然和宜兰丰富文化遗产的联系。 回顾这次太平山之行,真是意义非凡。从观赏雪景到意外登上电视台,再到茂興古道的宁静漫步,每个时刻都见证了旅行和大自然所展现的奇迹。我们在Abang Travel感到荣幸,能够打造如此难忘的体验,并期待与所有游客分享更多的奇妙探险。 期待下一次相聚, Abang Travel 🚗✨

Unveiling the Magic of Taipingshan: Abang Travel's Memorable Snow Adventure and TV Spotlight

Embarking on unforgettable journeys is what we, at Abang Travel, live for. Our recent expedition to Taipingshan in Yilan was nothing short of enchanting, offering our tourists an extraordinary encounter with their first snowfall, an unexpected spotlight on TVBS TV, and a soul-stirring stroll along the Maosing Reminiscent Trail. First Snowfall Experience: Bringing a group of enthusiastic tourists to Taipingshan during its first snowfall of the season was a magical moment. Witnessing the snowflakes dance and transform the landscape into a winter wonderland filled everyone with awe and childlike joy. The delight on our tourists' faces mirrored the breathtaking beauty surrounding us, creating unforgettable memories that'll be cherished for a lifetime. Bong Bong Train Ride and TVBS TV Interview: As if the snowfall wasn't enough of a thrill, our adventure took an unexpected turn when we boarded the iconic Bong Bong Train. Little did we know that this scenic ride would also pave t

探索宁静的壮丽:Abang Travel带领旅客前往佛光山佛陀纪念馆的包车之旅

 Abang Travel致力于策划难忘的旅程,融合了台湾多样的风景、丰富的文化、以及精神启迪。我们最近到佛光山佛陀纪念馆的游览,展现了我们致力于提供个性化、身临其境的旅行体验的承诺,超越了一般普通行程,深入挖掘了台湾的精神文化遗产。 佛光山佛陀纪念馆坐落在高雄,是一座被当地人和游客推崇的建筑杰作和精神圣地。占地超过100公顷,这个卓越的综合体是对佛教教义的见证,展示着令人惊叹的建筑、宁静的环境以及丰富的宗教文物。 当我们引领客人来到这个标志性地标时,通往纪念馆的风景秀丽的车程为深入的体验奠定了基础。抵达佛光山佛陀纪念馆时,巍峨的佛像——整个综合体的焦点,引发了一种崇敬和宁静的感觉。纪念馆的建筑融合了传统和现代元素,为我们的探索提供了引人入胜的背景。 步入纪念馆,我们的旅客被一种宁静的氛围所包围。精心布置的花园、宁静的莲花池和华丽的亭台楼阁营造了一种有利于精神反思的宁静氛围。 纪念馆内展示了令人印象深刻的宗教文物、古老的经典和令人着迷的艺术品,生动地诠释了佛教的本质。从精致的雕塑到富有表现力的绘画和数百年前的文物,每个展品都传达着深刻的信仰、虔诚和启迪的故事。 由Abang Travel策划的佛光山佛陀纪念馆之旅不仅仅是一次简单的参观,它是一次与我们每一位客人内心中寻求精神启迪的转化之旅。它证明了台湾文化遗产的美丽,以及我们努力提供的身临其境的体验。 总之,佛光山佛陀纪念馆是台湾的一颗明珠,一个提供安宁和文化启迪的宁静绿洲。Abang Travel诚邀所有寻求精神觉醒和文化丰富的探险家,踏上这个充满宁静和壮丽的身临其境之旅。

Exploring the Serene Majesty: Abang Travel's Expedition to Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum

At Abang Travel, our mission revolves around curating unforgettable journeys that intertwine cultural richness, spiritual enlightenment, and seamless exploration across Taiwan's diverse landscapes. Our recent adventure to the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum epitomizes our commitment to providing personalized, immersive travel experiences that transcend the ordinary and delve into the heart of Taiwan's spiritual heritage. Nestled amidst the verdant mountains of Kaohsiung, the Fo Guang Shan Buddha Museum stands as an architectural masterpiece and spiritual sanctuary revered by locals and visitors alike. Spanning over 100 hectares, this remarkable complex is a testament to Buddhist teachings, featuring stunning architecture, serene surroundings, and an extensive collection of religious artifacts. As we guided our guests to this iconic landmark, the scenic drive towards the museum set the stage for a deeply immersive experience. Along the way, our knowledgeable guides shared captivatin