
Showing posts from March 20, 2024

与Abang Travel一起,探索马拉桑猎人学校,体验原住民传统生活方式

隐藏在台湾花莲壮丽风景中的一块秘境——马拉桑猎人学校,为您提供了一窥台湾原住民丰富文化遗产的绝佳机会。与Abang Travel一起,踏上这段难忘之旅,沉浸在真实的花东生活方式中。 传统之旅 在马拉桑猎人学校,您将有机会亲身了解台湾原住民的传统生活方式。在当地熟知的引导下,游客们可以学习如何使用传统武器,如弓箭和弹弓,领略源远流长的狩猎技术。 生存技能与户外探险 但体验不仅止于此。游客们还有机会获得必要的生存技能,学习撒网捕鱼和用木材生火。在经验丰富的指导下,参与者学习在荒野中生存的宝贵技巧,培养与大自然和土地更深的联系。 美食盛宴 经过一天的冒险和探索,客人们可以亲自体验制作美味的原住民竹筒饭,这是原住民的美食传统。做了之后还可以品尝丰富、芳香的汤和浓郁、满足的竹筒饭,让旅程更完美。 立即预订您的冒险之旅 与Abang Travel一起,踏上探索马拉桑猎人学校的难忘之旅,亲身体验真实的原住民生活方式。从传统武器训练到生存技能工作坊和美食盛宴,这个身临其境的文化体验必将成为您台湾之行的亮点。 不要错过了解台湾原住民丰富遗产和传统的机会。立即与 Abang Travel 预订您的台湾包车之旅,开始一场探索与发现之旅!

Discover the Authentic Huadong Lifestyle at Malasang Hunter School with Abang Travel

Nestled in the heart of Taiwan's breathtaking landscapes lies a hidden gem that offers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the indigenous people – Malasang Hunter School. Join Abang Travel on an unforgettable adventure to this traditional aboriginal hunter school and immerse yourself in the authentic Huadong lifestyle. A Journey into Tradition At Malasang Hunter School, travelers have the unique opportunity to learn firsthand about the traditional way of life of the indigenous people of Taiwan. Led by knowledgeable locals, visitors can train in the use of traditional weapons such as the bow-and-arrow and the slingshot, gaining insight into ancient hunting techniques passed down through generations. Survival Skills and Outdoor Adventures But the experience doesn't stop there. Travelers also have the chance to acquire essential survival skills, honing their abilities in net fishing and fire starting using wood. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, participants