In the heart of Miaoli lies a hidden gem, known as the Chateau in the Air atop Shanlan Mountain. This enchanting castle resembles something out of a fairy tale, with its walls adorned in creeping green vines, reminiscent of magical beanstalks. Ascending to the Heavenly Castle, visitors are treated to breathtaking views of the distant Liyu Lake. Nestled beside the forested lake, the charming Cat Church adds to the whimsical atmosphere of the area. Outside, the grassy fields provide the perfect playground for children to run and tumble, adding to the enchantment of Chateau in the Air. With its romantic ambiance and picturesque surroundings, Chateau in the Air is an ideal destination for couples seeking a memorable date or families looking to create lasting memories together. Whether you're strolling hand in hand through the castle grounds or watching the sunset over Liyu Lake, Chateau in the Air offers an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages. At Abang Travel, we understa...