
Showing posts from April 1, 2024

Abang Travel 探寻苗栗的浪漫景点:天空之城

在苗栗的心脏地带隐藏着一颗珍宝,那就是位于山嵐上的天空之城。这座迷人的城堡宛如童话般存在,它的墙壁上缠满了绿色的藤蔓,仿佛是神奇的魔豆藤蔓。 登上天堂古堡,游客们会被遥远的鯉魚潭的壮丽景色所震撼。嵌入在森林湖畔的迷人猫咪教堂更增添了这个地区的奇幻氛围。城堡外的草地是孩子们奔跑和翻滚的理想场所,为天空之城增添了更多的魅力。 天空之城以其浪漫的氛围和如画般的环境,成为情侣约会或家庭共度美好时光的理想目的地。无论是手牵手漫步在城堡庭院中,还是欣赏鯉魚潭上的日落,天空之城都为所有年龄段的游客提供了难忘的体验。 在 Abang Travel,我们理解天空之城这样的隐秘宝藏的吸引力。通过我们的个性化包车服务,我们让您轻松探索苗栗及其他地区的浪漫景点。让我们带您踏上发现台湾之美的旅程,逐一探寻这个迷人的目的地。立即预订 Abang Travel 的冒险之旅,创造一生的回忆。

Abang Travel Explores the Romantic Spot of Miaoli: Chateau in the Air

In the heart of Miaoli lies a hidden gem, known as the Chateau in the Air atop Shanlan Mountain. This enchanting castle resembles something out of a fairy tale, with its walls adorned in creeping green vines, reminiscent of magical beanstalks. Ascending to the Heavenly Castle, visitors are treated to breathtaking views of the distant Liyu Lake. Nestled beside the forested lake, the charming Cat Church adds to the whimsical atmosphere of the area. Outside, the grassy fields provide the perfect playground for children to run and tumble, adding to the enchantment of Chateau in the Air. With its romantic ambiance and picturesque surroundings, Chateau in the Air is an ideal destination for couples seeking a memorable date or families looking to create lasting memories together. Whether you're strolling hand in hand through the castle grounds or watching the sunset over Liyu Lake, Chateau in the Air offers an unforgettable experience for visitors of all ages. At Abang Travel, we understa