
Showing posts from August 3, 2023


  您是否想和家人一起去台湾旅游,但不知道从哪里开始?不用担心,因为Abang Travel经验丰富,会建议最适合你的行程!我们最近为一个由 6 名成人和 2 名儿童组成的家庭提供了包车服务,这次旅行非常棒,一起来看看吧。 一家人在台湾期间游览了垦丁、游览了垦丁半潜艇、去了大鹏湾游湖、还有宜兰伯朗咖啡城堡和宜兰苏澳內埤 情人湾等多个景点。每个景点都有其独特的魅力。 位于台湾最南端、雄伟壮观的垦丁是海滩爱好者的必游之地。我们确保为全家安排充足的玩乐时间,也在垦丁的日安宝贝民宿好好的享受。 大鹏湾位于屏东区,以风景如画的海湾和休闲活动而闻名。一家人在这里度过了充满乐趣的一天,体验了游湖,风景非常漂亮。 宜兰对大家来说都不陌生了,这一次客人们参观宜兰伯朗咖啡城堡,这是一个人气景点。一家人轻轻松松在这里度过完美的一天。 最后,一家人来到宜兰情人湾,这是一个美丽的海滩,海水清澈见底,海岸线迷人。 在整个行程中,他们一家人对我们的包车服务赞不绝口。他们非常感谢有一位对当地最佳景点了如指掌的专职司机为他们提供的便利。我们的 Abang Travel 团队随时为他们提供量身定制的建议,确保旅行的每一个细节都得到妥善处理。 如果您想体验同样的服务水平,请随时联系 Abang Travel,我们将为您提供包车服务。我们的专业团队随时准备为客户量身定制旅行,确保所有客户都能获得难忘的体验。 在 Abang Travel,我们致力于为客户提供最好的服务。从规划行程到确保他们在旅途中的安全和舒适,我们会为他们打点好一切,让他们可以无忧无虑地享受旅行。 如果您正在计划前往台湾的家庭旅行,并希望按照自己的节奏探索台湾,请联系我们 Abang Travel 包租汽车服务。我们保证让您的旅行成为一次难忘的经历。 今天就联络我们吧  (电话, Line,  Whatsapp & WeChat): +886909207788

A Wonderful Family Adventure in Taiwan with Abang Travel

  Are you thinking of visiting Taiwan with your family but not sure where to start? Well, worry no more because Abang Travel has got you covered! We recently provided chartered car services to a family of 6 adults and 2 children and the trip was amazing. The family visited a variety of destinations throughout their time in Taiwan, including Kenting, Dapeng Bay, Yilan Mr Brown Coffee Castle, and Yilan Lover Bay. Each location offered its unique charm, and our team made sure to provide tailored recommendations for each site. The majestic Kenting in the southernmost part of Taiwan was a must-visit for beach lovers. We made sure to arrange for the family to have sufficient time for swimming, water activities and a chance to visit Kenting National Park. Dapeng Bay, is well-known for its picturesque scenery and recreational activities. The family enjoyed a fun-filled day here, exploring the wetlands and enjoying the experience of a traditional sailboat. Yilan, a rural county located in easte