
Showing posts from March 26, 2024


想要真正领略台湾的原住民文化之美,一定不能错过位于屏东县的礼纳里部落。 Abang Travel 将为您提供个性化的包车服务,让您轻松畅游台湾,深度体验当地风情。 礼纳里部落的魅力 礼纳里村庄位于屏东县的玛家乡,周围环绕着茂密的森林和壮丽的山景,俯瞰着迷人的平地。部落的名字暗示着人们肩并肩同向前行的理念。 2009 年 “ 莫拉克 ” 台风肆虐后,礼纳里成为了大社、玛家和好茶三个原住民部落的新家园。在政府和国际世界展望会的合作下,礼纳里部落重建了家园,并开始了新的生活。 探索部落之美 走在部落内,游客可能会注意到四周各有一座教堂,每座教堂都拥有独特的外观设计。这些教堂的集群是部落的主要特色,也反映了当地原住民的虔诚信仰。如果游客继续探索部落,他们将看到原住民手工艺品点缀在部落周围。有以百合为主题的艺术品,暗示着稀有性,还有象征着原住民文化起源的图腾。 此外,在部落内还有一所生机勃勃的Evergreen Lily小学,设计独特,走廊上还有许多特殊的装置,如一个适应性迷宫、一个户外钢琴室等等,等待着游客的探索发现。 游客建议在部落停留半天以上,参观部落购物街、部落艺术工作室、游客中心和Lily小学。他们甚至可以从社区发展协会预订一次导览。 Abang Travel的个性化包车服务 想要尽情畅游台湾,深度探索礼纳里部落之美, Abang Travel 的个性化包车服务是您的最佳选择。与跟团游相比,包车服务让您拥有更灵活的行程安排,可以根据自己的兴趣和时间自由决定停留时间和游览地点。而且, Abang Travel 的专业司机将为您提供独家的当地见解,让您的旅程更加丰富而难忘。选择 Abang Travel ,让您的台湾之旅更加精彩!

Exploring the Beauty of Taiwan: Discovering the Rinari Tribe

Welcome to Taiwan, a land of diverse cultures and breathtaking landscapes. Today, we invite you to embark on a journey to explore the hidden gem of Rinali Village, nestled in Majia Township of Pingtung. This unique community, surrounded by lush forests and majestic mountains, offers a stunning view of the picturesque Pingbei Plain. The name "Rinali" embodies the spirit of unity, signifying people walking shoulder-to-shoulder in the same direction. After the devastation caused by Typhoon Morakot in 2009, Rinali Village became the relocation destination for indigenous tribes from Dashe Village of Sandimen Township, Majia Village of Majia Township, and Haocha Village of Wutai Township. With the support of the government and World Vision International, permanent housing was provided, allowing the indigenous people to rebuild their homeland and start afresh in Rinali Village. As you wander through the tribal grounds, you'll notice churches situated at the four corners of the c