
Showing posts from May 19, 2023

两兄弟特别策划的母亲节家庭旅游 A Heartwarming Story of Two Brothers

  在这个温馨的母亲节期间,一对兄弟带着一家人来到了台湾,为了让妈妈度过一个难忘的假期,他们花费心血准备了这场旅行。为了让父母坐得舒适,他们甚至增加了预算,升等了保母车。这一场旅程充满着满满的亲情和爱意,一家人渡过了一个难忘的假期。 他们的行程包括了很多著名景点,比如宜兰葱油饼 DIY 、十分天灯、阳明山等。在宜兰葱油饼 DIY 的过程中,大家一起从零开始制作美味的葱油饼,一家人欢声笑语地度过了美好的时光。他们也有燃起了十分天灯,期望着心愿能够实现。在阳明山上,他们不急不躁地从山路穿行而过,享受着自然风光的美好。 这趟旅行不仅是对妈妈的孝顺,更是一次全家人共同创造的回忆。在旅途中,他们相互帮助、关心彼此,把愛温暖化在了彼此的心房。这样的默契和感情,令人赞叹。 最后,感谢兄弟们为了家人的付出和心思,选择 Abang Travel 的包车旅游,为他们提供了一个美好的旅程。祝兄弟们一家人一路顺风,下次再来台湾旅游,让我们再次共创美好回忆。 A Heartwarming Story of Two Brothers  Two brothers came to Taiwan to celebrate Mother's Day with their mother and family. In order to make their parents more comfortable and add some extra luxury to their trip, they decided to upgrade their rental car to a premium one. Their itinerary included a DIY experience for making scallion pancakes in Yilan, lighting sky lanterns at Shifen, and visiting Yangmingshan National Park. They took their time enjoying their slow-paced trip and it was evident that the family's bond grew stronger with each passing day. We are gratef